Punjab to leverage tourism for better perception building

Punjab to leverage tourism for better perception building
Abdul Rashid Shakir
Geographical diversity, archaeological heritage, architectural and historical landmarks, cultural tapestry and warm hospitality are the backbone of a thriving tourism industry. Political stability, continuity of tourism-friendly policies, reliable law & order, developed infrastructure and world-class hotels & hospitality provide the needed ecosystem for its growth.
Pine-studdedandsnow-cladtoweringmountains,minerals-richruggedhillsandplateaus,well-irrigatedfertilefields,stunningskylineoftheurbanmetropolis,andarguablythe most-fascinatingbeachesinthecoastalareasaresomeofthemostluringattractionsfortheleisure-hungrytourists.
Though Pakistan is blessed with a lot of tourist attractions, we couldn’t make a considerablemarkinthesectordespitethelapseofmorethansevendecadesnow.Itisquiteunfortunatethat it is mostly under-developed, rather untapped because of the political unrest, inconsistentgovernment policies, compromised law & order, dilapidated and under-developed infrastructure.Just for instance, if we compare in terms of annual tourist visits and revenue generated thereof,K2 and Nanga Parbat in Gilgit Baltistan with Mont Blanc on the Franco-Italian border in Europe,which is almost half of their height, we find a huge gap simply because of the latter’s peacefulenvironment,sereneambiance,well-developedinfrastructureandtourism-friendlypoliciesoftheFrench and Italian governments. Similarly, recreational points of KallarKahar Lake in Chakwal,Simly Dam Lake in Rawalpindi and Damas Lake in Fort Monroe are in the know of almost everytravel-enthusiast because they have developed infrastructure, but relatively very few peoplehave experienced the breathtaking scenery and refreshing swimming and boating in the sereneand pristinesetting ofSwaik Lakein Chakwalsimply becauseit hasavery roughapproachroad:abumpyjeepridefollowedbytrekkingonanarrowmountainoustrack.
Punjab, in particular, is blessed with abundant wealth of archaeological, historical, cultural,recreational and religious tourism sites. The archeological remains of Indus Valley Civilization inHarappa,andGandharacivilizationinTaxilaofferatreasuretroveforthearcheology-lovers.Historicalsites of Badshahi Mosque, Shalimar Garden, Lahore Fort, Minar-e-Pakistan, Jahangir Tomb, LahoreMuseum, Samadhi of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Noor Jehan Tomb in Lahore; HiranMinar inSheikhupura and Derawar Fort in Bahawalpur represent a unique blend of Mughal, Sikh and Colonialarchitecture.
Hill resorts of Murree and Fort Munro in DG Khan; Lakes of Chakwal including KallarKahar, Swaik(Khandowa), Khabeki, Uchhali, DhokTalian and Dharabi; biggest man-made forest of South AsiaChanga Manga; and parks like Jallo Park in Lahore and Lal Suhanra National Park in Bahawalpur offerarevitalizingbreakfromtheheavychoresoflife.CholistanJeepRallyintheCholistanDesertinSouthernPunjabisnodoubtamuch-awaitedeventofthesport-lovers.
PunjabalsohasagreatpotentialforrligioustourismasitishometomanySufiShrines,HinduTemplesand holiest sites of Buddhism and Sikhism. Shrines of Hazrat Data GunjBukhsh, HazratMian Mir andHazrat Bibi Pak Daman in Lahore; Hazrat Baba Bulleh Shah in Kasur; HazratRukn-ud-Din, HazratBahauddinZakariya,HazratSyedMusaPakShaheedandHazrat Shah Shams Sabzwariin Multan; Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood GunjShakar in Pakpattan;Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam FaridKotMithen and HazratSakhiSarwar in Dera Ghazi Khan; and HazratJalaluddinSurkh-PoshBukhariinBahawalpurareplacesofgreatrespectandreverencewheredevoteesthrongtopayhomagetothesewell-acclaimedsaints.
TaxilainRawalpindiisareveredplaceforthefollowersofBudha;RohtasFortinJhelumandKatas Raj Temples Complex in Chakwal are the holy sites of Hindu community; whereasGurdawaraDarbarSinghinKartarpur(Narowal)andGurdawaraNankanaSahibinNankanaSahibarethemostsought-afterandrespectedplacesoftheSikhcommunity.
The Government of Punjab, under the leadership of its vibrant Chief Minister Madam MaryamNawaz Sharif, is taking proactive and impactful measures for the promotion of tourism in theprovince. Its ongoing projects for the purpose include operating Tourists Glass Train betweenRawalpindiandMurree;massivedevelopmentplanforMurreeanditsadjoiningareas;startingatram service in Lahore on 11 KMs-long track covering prominent localities like Main Boulevardfrom KalmaChowk, Liberty, Main Market, Mini Market, Hali Road, MM Alam Road and GaddafiStadium; laying an extensive network of EV buses for public transport in major cities; and aboveallrepairing, revamping and upgrading 600 arterial roads across Punjab besides theconstructionof05MotorwaysandHighwaysintheprovinceforhassle-freetravelexperience.
Mindful of the crucial role of tourism in projecting a softer image of a society besides earningrevenueandgeneratingemploymentforthelocalcommunity,theChiefMinisterhasrecentlytaken a remarkable step for reaping full potential of the tourism in Punjab by constituting a26-membersteeringcommittee.Withtheinclusionofdedicatedmembers,thesteering committeeispoisedtomakeimpactfulcontributionsforsustainabletourismdevelopmentintheprovince.
The steering committee is tasked with providing recommendations for the upgradation ofhistorical, religious, cultural, and commercial sites along with the development of enablingecosystem in order to attract more tourists, both local and foreigners. The steering committeewill also develop a comprehensive communication strategy to promote tourism through digital,electronic, print and social media platforms, besides developing a one-stop solution for thefacilitation of potential tourists in the province. It is also mandated to identify and eliminateobstacleshinderingthegrowthoftourism,andwillengagewithallstakeholderstodraftaviablesetofrecommendationsforupliftofthetourismsectorinPunjab.Itwillalsofocusonenhancingtheoverallvisitorexperiencebyprovidingthemworld-classhotelsandhospitality.
This historic initiative is aimed at coordinated planning for the construction, restoration, andmaintenanceofmajortouristattractionsintheprovince,sothatPunjabemergesasapreferreddestinationforbothlocalandinternationaltourists.
Abdul Rashid Shakir